A positive birth.

“A positive birth means a birth in which a woman feels she has freedom of choice, access to accurate information, and that she is in control, powerful and respected. A birth that she approaches, perhaps with some trepidation, but without fear or dread, and that she then goes on to enjoy, and later remember with warmth and pride.” Milli Hill

Confident Childbirth

I am delighted to be able to offer Confident Childbirth as a certified practitioner.  

Sessions aim to give you all you need so you can feel empowered and positive about your birth experience whatever happens on the day.

Is it for me?

These sessions are for anyone who wants to feel calmer and more ready for birth. You may want to feel more confident, or have specific fears, or worries, or anxieties. These sessions are tailor made to you and honour your uniqueness, your baby's uniqueness and the uniqueness of your pregnancy and birth.

The work we do.

  • Fear release and emotional balancing 
  • Updating beliefs and positive connection to self and your baby
  • Resourcing and skill building 
  • Reframing and knowledge building 
  • Empowering and offering more choice 
  • Working with or without a partner 
  • Mindset coaching and resilience building.